Monday, December 17, 2007

zionist bullets ,world ganging on you and starving you ,or an earth quake ....take your pick

Three minor quakes over the past month have served as a reminder that Palestine sits atop one of the most sensitive fault lines in the world, where earthquakes have a history of causing havoc.

An earthquake of a magnitude of six or higher on the Richter scale could take place in the coming year, statistically, there is a major quake every 80 years."

Under that assessment, Palestine should brace for a major earthquake soon, as the last one happened 80 years ago, on July 11, 1927, in British mandate Palestine when 300 people were killed in Jerusalem and Jericho.

A similar quake measuring seven on the Richter scale and with an epicentre in the Hula Valley, up from the Sea of Galilee, devastated the town of Safed and killed some 4,000 people in 1837.

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