Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A Study shows that zionists are becoming increasingly racist toward Arabs....I am not surprised since zionism is racism......

zionist state Jewish population increasingly supports the de-legitimization, discrimination and even deportation of Arabs, found a report on racism in the zionist body, set to be released Wednesday.

The report, to be presented at a press conference in Nazareth by Mossawa, the Advocacy Center for Arabs from the 1948 occupied part of Palestine , also known as the green line, states that the zionist-Palestinian conflict has clearly impacted public opinion, and warns that ideas such as population exchange and racial segregation are gaining ground.

It also warns that several Jewish politicians are gaining influence based on a platform of racial hatred. Mossawa is supported by the Human Rights Program of the European Commission and the United Nations Democracy Foundation.

As I stated above ,there should be no surprise ,since we all know that zionism is racism.....

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