Sunday, March 9, 2008

This is what I learned today:Abbas has feelings and it's being hurt by his zionist Masters...

Saeb Erekat is feeling bad about his boss's feeling .

Less than 8 hours ,and after Abbas told Condi and Olmert that he will ask Abu El Batoon ,Ahmad Qera3 to meet with his masters the zionists ,Olmert announced that he will continue expanding the illegal settlements in Occupied Palestine ,especially the ones around Jerusalem.

So Erekat called a zionist talk show host on one TV station in Jerusalem and with teary eyes and a crying voice he asked :
"Why do they insist on doing this and humiliating Abu Mazen in front of the Palestinian public?"

I do not think that it's appropriate to give you the zionist' answer ,but you are welcome to guess it.
Anyway ,I guess that this was not enough humiliating ,because Erekat also announced that once the American General Frasier gets back to Occupied Palestine ,which should be in the next couple of days , the PA and it's zionist Master will meet ,and that should take place on Thursday ,,,so you go figure......

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