Sunday, March 16, 2008

zionists are pushing for compensation from PA for slain and injured zionists settlers...

zionist Tzipi Livni has given directives to enable the settlers who were killed or injured from Palestinian attacks to sue the Palestinian Authority in zionist courts in order to claim financial reimbursement.

Livni will contact zionist courts asking them to comply with her suggestion.These new directives will pave the way for dozens of cases to be filed against the Palestinian Authority , seeking financial compensation for their casualties.

The pretext given is that the Palestinian Authority failed to prevent military attacks against Israelis from its territories.

I am sure Abbas and company will be happy to comply as well . I am also sure that these zionist caretakers will not say a word to their Masters about the continued "Holocaust" in Occupied Palestine.

And Fayyad for one ,will make sure that the money is there just in case the zionist want to collect.

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