Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The 6Th International Al-Awda Convention a great Success

The Palestine Right-to-Return Coalition, Al-Awda, ended the 2ND day of it's 6Th Annual Convention with over 1000 people in attendance for the conference.

The Saturday evening Banquet had over 600 participants who heard Bishop Atallah Hanna and Chief Justice Dr. Sheikh Taiseer Al-Tamimi give passionate speeches about the Right to Return and the unity of the Palestinian people and their struggle. Conference attendees heard presentations from Dr. Salam Abu Sitta, Dr. Ghada Karmi, Professors Asad AbuKhalil and Saree Makdisi, Michel Shehadeh, Ziad Abbas and a wide range of other presenters on topics related to Palestine, the Right to Return,Refugee Support, Political Prisoners, Culture and Resistance, and Youth Organizing. Large numbers of community members and allies came out to commemorate the 60Th Anniversary of the Nakba and to actively participate. For more information please go to where a more detailed description of the Convention, including pictures, will be posted soon.

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