This is the fourth in a series of statements the FPA is issuing on the ongoing Gaza massacres to call for urgent action and to focus a light on some of the critical aspects of what is occurring. We call on all to join in the National Day of Action today, Tuesday, December 30, called for by the A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, MAS Freedom Foundation, the Free Palestine Alliance, the National Council of Arab Americans, and Al-Awda. There is a protest in or near your city. Join it and let your voice be heard.
Read previous FPA statements here.
To see a listing of actions and demonstrations and learn more, go here.
Today, as we prepare to take to the streets from coast to coast in a National Day of Action, the Zionist army is simultaneously preparing for an all-out ground assault on the Gaza Strip, which is certain to expand the destruction and suffering. As the bombing continues for four consecutive days, the death toll has climbed to more than 384 with at least 1,750 injured. According to the BBC, "Israeli tanks and troops are massed along Gaza's border," and Olmert considers the air assault as "the first in several stages." He stressed that the attacks will not end until Zionist goals are achieved.
A commencement of a ground attack would signal that the Israeli army is unable to achieve its goals through aerial bombardment. Thus far by all accounts, The Zionist forces have failed to force the Palestinians into submission and surrender, with every additional bomb fueling more Palestinian fortitude and resilience. In April 2002, Sharon tried to do the same in Janine and failed miserably despite the massive destruction of that refugee camp. This was also the goal in Lebanon in July 2006. There too, Zionist Israel attempted to use brute force to impose favorable political realities. It has failed before and it will fail again.
Joining the Zionist plan and adding insult to injury, now enters the camp of the usual choir of apologists. They too are repeating the same obedient brown-nosed role they have always assumed, as was the case recently in Lebanon and before that in Janine. They sing an all-too-familiar tune of blaming the victim and saddling the impoverished and dispossessed with their wretched lot in life. They call for "cease fire on both sides"; they blame the Palestinians for Zionist massacres; and they excuse their complicity in starving and suffocating the people of Gaza by pointing to normalizing relations with Zionists as the "strategic option" for the Arabs.
These complicit apologists have Arab despots as their pack leaders. They include Egypt's Mubarak, Jordan's Abdallah, and the PA's Abbas, only to name a few and not to forget the Saudi monarchy. Following these despots are numerous organizations throughout the world, including here in the US. The national leadership of the ADC, the AAI, and the ATFP, are but few examples. They are quick to blame the victim simply to secure picking up as much crumbs as possible in the form of political appointments, photo opportunities, and funding commitments.
Joining the choir are various media outlets that are oblivious to the wholesale destruction and dispossession Israel and the Zionist movement have caused over 60 years on the Palestinian people. These outlets are only focused on acts of resistance on the part of the victim. To these media apologists and brown-nosed organizations, the suffering of the victim is merely a spoiling nuisance, no more. Their sense of justice is so twisted and distant from reality that they regard Zionist monstrosity as "needed retaliations" and Palestinian resistance as "terrorist violence." This is the same bigoted mentality that created Bantustans; institutionalized segregation; trafficked and benefited from slavery, appropriated wealth of nations to monarchs and feudal lords; enslaved children as domestic servants; fought against unions; bankrupted banks and repossessed homes; degraded the environment; and waged successive wars to secure more and more wealth.
This camp of hateful bigots is the one setting the agenda today for the future US presidency, where change has no hope of occurring. It is our time to put our agenda of justice and friendship between nations on the table.
All Out in Solidarity with the Palestinian People!
The Free Palestine Alliance
December 30, 2008
Read previous FPA statements here.
To see a listing of actions and demonstrations and learn more, go here.
Today, as we prepare to take to the streets from coast to coast in a National Day of Action, the Zionist army is simultaneously preparing for an all-out ground assault on the Gaza Strip, which is certain to expand the destruction and suffering. As the bombing continues for four consecutive days, the death toll has climbed to more than 384 with at least 1,750 injured. According to the BBC, "Israeli tanks and troops are massed along Gaza's border," and Olmert considers the air assault as "the first in several stages." He stressed that the attacks will not end until Zionist goals are achieved.
A commencement of a ground attack would signal that the Israeli army is unable to achieve its goals through aerial bombardment. Thus far by all accounts, The Zionist forces have failed to force the Palestinians into submission and surrender, with every additional bomb fueling more Palestinian fortitude and resilience. In April 2002, Sharon tried to do the same in Janine and failed miserably despite the massive destruction of that refugee camp. This was also the goal in Lebanon in July 2006. There too, Zionist Israel attempted to use brute force to impose favorable political realities. It has failed before and it will fail again.
Joining the Zionist plan and adding insult to injury, now enters the camp of the usual choir of apologists. They too are repeating the same obedient brown-nosed role they have always assumed, as was the case recently in Lebanon and before that in Janine. They sing an all-too-familiar tune of blaming the victim and saddling the impoverished and dispossessed with their wretched lot in life. They call for "cease fire on both sides"; they blame the Palestinians for Zionist massacres; and they excuse their complicity in starving and suffocating the people of Gaza by pointing to normalizing relations with Zionists as the "strategic option" for the Arabs.
These complicit apologists have Arab despots as their pack leaders. They include Egypt's Mubarak, Jordan's Abdallah, and the PA's Abbas, only to name a few and not to forget the Saudi monarchy. Following these despots are numerous organizations throughout the world, including here in the US. The national leadership of the ADC, the AAI, and the ATFP, are but few examples. They are quick to blame the victim simply to secure picking up as much crumbs as possible in the form of political appointments, photo opportunities, and funding commitments.
Joining the choir are various media outlets that are oblivious to the wholesale destruction and dispossession Israel and the Zionist movement have caused over 60 years on the Palestinian people. These outlets are only focused on acts of resistance on the part of the victim. To these media apologists and brown-nosed organizations, the suffering of the victim is merely a spoiling nuisance, no more. Their sense of justice is so twisted and distant from reality that they regard Zionist monstrosity as "needed retaliations" and Palestinian resistance as "terrorist violence." This is the same bigoted mentality that created Bantustans; institutionalized segregation; trafficked and benefited from slavery, appropriated wealth of nations to monarchs and feudal lords; enslaved children as domestic servants; fought against unions; bankrupted banks and repossessed homes; degraded the environment; and waged successive wars to secure more and more wealth.
This camp of hateful bigots is the one setting the agenda today for the future US presidency, where change has no hope of occurring. It is our time to put our agenda of justice and friendship between nations on the table.
All Out in Solidarity with the Palestinian People!
The Free Palestine Alliance
December 30, 2008
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