Sunday, August 15, 2010

بيت عزاء Memorial for Abu Obeida Monday 8/16 @8 PM

تنعى ألجالية ألعربية ألفلسطينية في جنوب كاليفورنيا إبن بلدة بورين ألمناضل أبو عبيدة عمران
ألتي نالتة يد ألغدر ليلة ألجمعة ١٣/٨ في مدينة هيوستن بولاية تكساس
عن عمر يناهز ٤٢ عاماً قضاها مدافعا عن و طنة وحقوق شعبة

تقبّل ألتعازي يوم ألاثنين من ألساعة ٨-١٠ ليلاٍ
في مركز ألجالية ألفلسطبنية في مدينة اناهايم
800 S. Brookhurst St Suite 2E
Anaheim , California

The Arab Palestinian Community in Southern California mourns with a heavy heart Abu Obeida Omran . Abu Obeida was killed in an accident at his place of work last Friday night.
Abu Obeida, 42, was one one of the most active leaders of the Palestinian community in the US and he carried the suffering of his people with him and never spared a moment from working for the Arab Palestinian cause. He will be dearly missed by all who knew him.

An Open House for accepting condolences will take place
Monday August 16,2010 at 8:00 PM
The Arabic Community Center
800 S. Brookhurst St. suite 2E
Anaheim , California


Anonymous said...

sad sad way and place to die, I know this man ot very well but enough to know that he is good guy however i think he died doing what he loves guarding and collecting money

Anonymous said...

to you who called anonymous
i think you dont know abu obeida very well,
becouse he was more and more than what u think