Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The laughing Cow ,as he's known, lies again الرئيس مبارك: مصر تسمح للفلسطينيين بعبور الحدود للتزود بالغذاء

أكد الرئيس المصري محمد حسني مبارك اليوم الأربعاء (23/1) أنه طلب من قوات الأمن المصرية السماح لفلسطينيي قطاع غزة بالدخول إلى مصر للتزود باحتياجاتهم من الغذاء ثم العودة لديارهم

Just like the rest of the so called Arab leaders , the laughing Cow , AKA Hosni Mubarak , lied today again when he said that he gave orders to his military to allow Palestinians to cross to Rafah.....

He did not know that the whole world was watching ,on live TV , the Palestinian tearing down that wall ,and coming to get him and everyone else from those zionists caretakers , who would help in starving them......

No shame ...

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